YUST  /  Company  /  Successful projects

Representation of interests of a Swedish construction company in the course of arbitration proceedings in the ICCA under the CIC of Russia

Specialists of the Law Firm "YUST" successfully represented the interests of a Swedish investor within the framework of the arbitration proceedings of the client’s claim against a Russian company with the International Court of Commercial Arbitration under the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation.

The dispute arose because of undue performance by the respondent (the customer) for the claimant (the contractor) under the agreement of construction and installation works of reconstruction of the metallurgical shop and construction of copper electrolytic shop. The client’s claim was upheld. The debt of payment for the works done under said agreement and the interest for the use of alien funds were exacted. The respondent was charged with the duty to compensate the claimant for the expenses borne in connection with the arbitration proceedings.

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