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Court acquitted Muscovite, killed husband for self-defense

Court acquitted Muscovite, killed husband for self-defense

Last summer, a Muscovite murdered a civil husband who tried to strangle her in front of the children. However, in court she managed to prove that her actions did not go beyond justified defense. Evgeny Rozenblat, lawyer of the YUST Law Firm, explained to the news agency RIA Novosti that there are many cases in court practice when women killed rapists trying to defend themselves, but it is quite difficult to formulate the necessary defense limit. Usually this remains at the discretion of the court reviewing the case.

"Some experts point out the" ordinary domestic violence "factor, that is, society for the most part does not see an acute social problem here, which also complicates the process of legal assistance to the victim, but another thing is gratifying: the court of appeal overturned the verdict, this in itself is a unique event", - comments Rozenblat.

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