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Family law and inheritance

The Law Firm "YUST" is one of the few large companies in the Russian legal market that offer services for individuals in the area of family and inheritance law. The private clients practice of the Law Firm "YUST" is a team of highly qualified specialists, who successfully represent the clients’ interests even in the most complicated court disputes of, inter alia, marriage dissolution, severance, upbringing of children, inheritance.

Advocates and lawyers of YUST render advice and assistance on extrajudicial settlement of diverse personal matters: preparation of marital contracts, severance agreements, formalization of inheritance rights. The clients of the Law Firm "YUST" greatly appreciate the services of integrated assistance to family cases, in particular – of inheriting family business, of restructuring of property in various jurisdictions, including with the use of trust and other mechanisms. 

List of the services

  • Advice on the legal aspects of marriage and divorce;
  • Assistance in the preparation of marriage contracts, including property related issues;
  • Legal representation on issues of divorce and the partition of property, including the drafting of agreements on property partition;
  • Consultation and legal representation on issues of property inheritance and registering property rights
