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From the legal nihilism - to nihilism rights. Meditation on today's reading of «Fathers and children»

Developing together with the society, the right will inevitably under influence social processes, causing reflection effect. Nihilism, which emerged in our country, as a social phenomenon in the XIX century, and then in the form of legal nihilism has become an integral part of modern life, served as a momentum, thanks to which the right is beginning to acquire a new quality.

The Day of the Russian Bar. Celebration for everyone

May 31 of 2013, Moscow, Maxim Gorky Park of Culture and Recreation


SPILF 2013: about the trials and their participants

III St. Petersburg international legal forum, may 2013, St. Petersburg.

Triumph of the legal profession

Церемония награждения Национальной премией в области адвокатуры и адвокатской деятельности, 23 апреля 2013 г., Москва.

Openness of the Bar: limits of the allowed

December 20 of 2012, Moscow, the Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation.


«Road to profession-2012»: the basics of practical work

Ceremony of awarding winners of the prize «road to profession-2012», 1 November 2012, Moscow.

Modern private law in Russia and the EU. International conference

International scientific-practical conference «Modern private law in Russia and the EU», September 27, 2012, Moscow.


Labour law: topical issues and best practices of the VI Professional Conference to be held in Moscow, at the Holiday Inn Suschevski, on November 28-29, 2012

The VI Professional Conference “Labour law: topical issues and best practices”, organized by the Infor-media Russia Company, will be held in Moscow, at the Holiday Inn Suschevski, on November 28-29, 2012

Lawyers Open 2012. The first open golf tournament

September 22, 2012, Moscow, Moscow City Golf Club