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Personnel as required

Personnel as required

Quotes for labor migrants were replaced by patents on January 1st of 2015. The changes to the law No. 115-FZ “On legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” have entered into force.

The new patent system for attracting migrants is not a liberal one. In particular, it cannot cause saturation of the market with foreign workforce. This is because each region fixes the required quantity of foreign workers for itself, and no more patents than needed will be sold to the migrants. Only the employers will feel it easier due to the introduction of the patents. They will not have to apply for contracting foreign workforce as it was required by the earlier legislation <...>

The amount of the advance payment is dependent on the region. Ekaterina Boldinova, leading tax lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", says: “The payments will be 100 roubles per month, subject to indexation with a deflating coefficient fixed for the current calendar year and a coefficient that reflects the peculiarities of the regional labor market”.

Read the full article here

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