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Intellectual property

From the day the practice was formed in 1992, the Law firm "YUST" has built a well deserved reputation as an industry leader. The practice was co-founded by Mark Boguslavsky, who is a Doctor of Legal Sciences, an Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for the protection of industrial property. He is recognized worldwide as a leading expert on private international law and the protection of intellectual rights.

Andrey Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, the curator of YUST is a fellow founder of the firm. He is a senior partner, academician of RAS, and member of the Public Council on innovation and science-intensive technologies of the State Duma Committee on science and high technologies.

Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya is a managing partner at YUST, and is a candidate for legal sciences. Within her terms of reference: intellectual property rights protection, including those related to the rights to results of scientific-research and experimental-design works, protection of know-how, and commercialization of new technologies, inventions and innovations.

Our experts

List of the services

  • Representation in courts on disputes connected with protection of intellectual property rights;
  • Representation in the Russian and international bodies on intellectual property (Rospatent, the Eurasian patent office, world intellectual property organization)
  • Legal examination of the rights to results of intellectual activity;
  • Legal support of innovative activity;
  • Ensure the legal protection of trademarks, know-how and other intellectual property;
  • Support of transactions related to licensing, granting franchises and other order of the rights to results of intellectual activity;
  • Work with complaints related to the protection of the rights of authors and other rightholders.
