Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave a lecture on the subject “Non-concessional forms of PPP”
Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave on November 17 of 2014 a lecture on the subject “Non-concessional forms of PPP” within the framework of the Professional Training Program “Preparation of projects of public-private partnership: theory, legislation, practice”, which is being held in MGIMO fr om November 17 till November 21 of 2014.
The speech mostly concentrated on the “corporate form” of implementation of public-private partnership projects (the application of the “joint venture” model in the structuring of PPP projects).
In particular, the lecture covered the novelties of the legal entity legislation and included practical advice on possible variants of legal structuring of the projects, wh ere the public partner side includes public law entities (the Russian Federation, units of the Russian Federation, municipalities), unitary ventures and budget institutions, state corporations, economy companies with public shares. The new instruments of raising funds for PPP projects stipulated by the so-called Securitization Law, were also discussed within the framework of the speech.
The Program is organized by the Chair of Economic Policy and Public-Private Partnership of MGIMO(U) of the MFA of Russia, the Institute of Development of Public-Private Partnership with the support of the PPP Development Center. PPP-INFO, an information agency in the PPP sphere, is the information partner.
Among the lecturers of the Program are Doctor at Economy E.B.Zavyalova, Head of the Chair of Economic Policy and Public-Private Partnership of MGIMO(U) of the MFA of Russia, Doctor at Economy O.V.Ivanov, Prpfessor of said Chair, Doctor at Economy P.L.Seleznev, Chairman of the Board of the NCO “PPP Development Center”, M.V.Yarmalchuk, Deputy Director of the Department of Investment Policy and PPP Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, M.V.Tkachenko, Executive Director of the NCO “PPP Development Center”, AA.Dolgov, Head of the Section of Research Projects and Consulting of Institute of Development of Public-Private Partnership LLC, and other leading PPP sphere specialists.
The Program is intended for heads and specialists of regional authorities, local governments, development corporations, PPP development centers as well as for organizations involved in the elaboration, assessment, expert study and implementation of infrastructural objects on the base of PPP mechanisms (concession agreements, PPP agreements within the framework of regional legislation, lease agreements with investment obligations, life cycle contracts etc.).
The course of the lectures consists of five educational modules, which describe the matters of normative regulation of the PPP sphere, of preparation of PPP projects, including the development of technical and economic grounds, budget planning within the framework of implementation of PPP projects, tariff regulation, risk distribution within PPP projects as well as a specialized one-0day business game, which allows practicing the specificity of inter-institutional interaction and structuring of a deal in the PPP sphere on all stages of the project’s life cycle: from initiation till financial completion.
Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya spoke within the framework of the first module of lectures – “The Russian experience of implementation of PPP projects”.