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Tax law

The practice of tax and customs law is one of the main activities of the Law Firm "YUST". Since the foundation of the practice, specialists fr om YUST have produced only positive results in tax dispute cases on behalf of the Firm’s clients.

Efficient teamwork and the high qualifications of the Firm’s specialists enable them to undertake elaboration of large international M&A projects, wh ere the matters of tax and customs law are key, and to successfully complete them.

Igor Pastukhov, one of the leading advocates of the Law Firm "YUST" and Tax Adviser to the Firm, became a member of the extended Council on development of civil society and on human rights under the President of the Russian Federation in 2012.

The Pravo.Ru included YUST among the Top-5 companies of the Russian tax law market.

Chambers Europe recommends YUST for resolving tax disputes in Russia.

Our experts

List of the services

  • Advice relating to Russian legislation on taxes and duties;
  • International taxation;
  • Tax disputes;
  • Legal and tax due diligence
