Conference: "Organization of a business of sales of goods and services in Russia"
The Conference with the participation of the experts of the Legal Committee of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce took place in the city of Pforzheim in Germany on May 20, upon invitation from Nordschwarzwald Chamber of Commerce. Advocate Erika Kindsvater of the Law Firm "YUST" participated in the Conference.
In the course of the event, the experts informed the present representatives of German companies (of those with existing business relations with Russian companies as well as of those interested in establishing commercial ties with the Russia market) of the framework conditions, which exist in the Russian law and are applied in the course of organization of the business of sales of goods and services in Russia.
Erika successfully spoke on the subject of “Distribution agreements, franchising: application in Russia and the latest changes to the legal regulation of such agreements, their effect on practice”. German companies tend to see distribution agreements as a first step to the Russian market and sales of their goods and services in the territory of the Russian Federation. The Conference enabled the interested companies to receive answers to their questions concerning the conduction of commercial activity in the Russian Federation.