Ensuring labor protection in the light of the new public policy. Conference
The development of human capital and maintenance of favorable conditions of labor activity remain among the key priorities of public policy in the sphere of labor protection. Despite the elaboration of the concept of risk management in Russia, the traumatism level remains very high, and labor law violations keep occurring. Lack of protection of the workers from industrial accidents and the growth of occupational illnesses are a grave problem, the resolution of which depends on a number of factors. Precarious work conditions are not duly considered, and compensation mechanisms only kick in in the case of an accident.
During the “Ensuring labor protection in the light of the new public policy” Conference, its members will discuss the public system of labor protection in Russia, practical aspects of ensuring labor protection at an enterprise, perspectives of amendments to the Labor Code of Russia etc.
The event targets heads and specialists of construction companies, labor protection divisions, HR specialists, chief engineers, and chief labor protection specialists.
Main subjects for discussion:
- Perspectives of amendments to the Labor Code of Russia;
- The plan of elaboration of professional standards until 2015: criteria of labor classification;
- Declaring the ventures’ activity of implementation of the employers’ and employees’ labor rights: the employer’s certificate of trust;
- Attraction and employment of workforce: the problem of permission procedures, legalization etc.;
- The draft law “On special evaluation of the labor condition”: consequences for the employers and the employees;
- High-altitude works: latest changes to the normatives and standards.
Date and time: November 19 (Tuesday) of 2013, starting at 9:00.
Venue: Moscow, Renaissance Olympic Hotel. Olimpiysky Avenue, 18/1 (Prospekt Mira subway station), central entrance, 1st floor, Angara Hall.
The program and the list of the speakers are available at the official website of the organizers
Senior Lawyer, Doctor-at-Law Tatiana Samarina will represent the Law Firm "YUST" at the event.