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Erika Kindsvater in the Russo-German Chamber of Foreign Commerce


The next meeting of the Committee on localization and industry under the Russo-German Chamber of Foreign Commerce, of which Advocate Erika Kindsvater of the Law Firm "YUST" is a member, took place on April 14. Erika delivered a report on the subject “Equal competition is the main premise for localization of manufacture in Russia”.

The Committee is tasked with studying and summarizing the experience of implementation of infrastructural and industrial projects in Russia, discovering the most successful cases as well as a more active dialogue with the relevant public authorities.

An especially active discussion between the speaker and the representatives of the German business was held about the determination of the possible criteria for localization, which are currently being deliberated at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The investors have reaffirmed their loyalty towards the Russian market and are expecting equal game rules from the part of the Government of Russia, which would not discriminate against the subsidiaries established in Russia due to foreign shareholders or stockholders.

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