The scientific conference “Antimonopoly regulation and intellectual property”
The scientific conference “Antimonopoly regulation and intellectual property”, organized within the framework of the traditional “Kutafin’s Readings”, was held on April 8 of 2016 in the Federal Antimonopoly Service building.
Советник Юридической фирмы "ЮСТ", член экспертного совета при ФАС России Dmitry Seregin, Adviser of the Law Firm “YUST”, member of the Experts’ Council under the FAS of Russia, spoke on April 8 on the subject “The legal nature of intellectual property and its significance in ensuring competition”.
The members of the conference discussed the correlation between the legal monopoly of the rightholder and market domination, the search for a balance between provision of legal protection to objects of exclusive rights and prevention of monopolistic activities, as well as the legislative initiatives of the FAS of Russia concerning the expansion of the antimonopoly regulations of relations into the sphere of intellectual rights.

Советник Юридической фирмы "ЮСТ", член экспертного совета при ФАС России Dmitry Seregin, Adviser of the Law Firm “YUST”, member of the Experts’ Council under the FAS of Russia, spoke on April 8 on the subject “The legal nature of intellectual property and its significance in ensuring competition”.
The members of the conference discussed the correlation between the legal monopoly of the rightholder and market domination, the search for a balance between provision of legal protection to objects of exclusive rights and prevention of monopolistic activities, as well as the legislative initiatives of the FAS of Russia concerning the expansion of the antimonopoly regulations of relations into the sphere of intellectual rights.