Partners of the Law Firm "YUST" at the Legal Forum of Russia

Partners of the Law Firm "YUST" on April 16 spoke at the key sections of the annual Legal Forum of Russia organized by the Vedomosti newspaper.
The pace of the Forum was set By Yury Pilipenko, Senior Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", President of the Federal Chamber of Advocates of Russia. As the moderator, he inaugurated the experts’ session “The lawyers’ agenda in the light of the latest political and economic events”. In the course of the discussion, Y.Pilipenko set a question: “Why and where did this irresistible desire to amend the Civil Code of Russia – perhaps the most successful, from the viewpoint of law enforcement, of all Russian codified documents - come from? Why drive the law enforcers into a stupor by proposing amendments to one chapter, and then to another?”
Vladimir Pligin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on constitutional legislation and construction of the State, whose speech was awaited with special eagerness, pointed out that “the problems are that we have too few meetings and that we read too little”, and mentioned the annual report of the State Duma on the status of the legislation. V.Pligin said: “We have to admit the redundancy of the State interference with social relations and the existing controversies in the regulation of the legislation. Perhaps this is due to the fact that there were 730 authors of legislative initiative last year”. Still, he pointed out that, on the one hand, that was too many, and on the other hand – there was a positive opportunity to obtain a system-wide view of the needs to amend the legislation, because all authors gave different grounds for their initiatives. The Committee Chairman also emphasized that the lawmakers meant to preserve the principles of the basic legislative branches.
It is notable that the experts’ session of the Forum was held with the painting “The collapse of a bank” by Vladimir Makovsky made in the 1870-ies as the background. The speakers frequently referred to it, drawing parallels with the modern-day events. The participants expect the Forum (active on April 16 and 17) to continue in the same energetic way which the experts’ session set.
Senior Partner of the Firm Andrey Lisitsyn-Svetlanov continued on the course set by his colleagues and spoke during the session “An arbitrator’s status – an alternative or an addition to the lawyer’s career?”
The session dealt with the matters of the activity of the lawyers practicing as arbitrators of private arbitration courts, including international courts of commercial arbitration in Russia and other countries. As A.Lisitsyn-Svetlanov is an arbitrator of the International Court on Commercial Arbitration under the CCI of Russia and od the private arbitration court of the International center on resolving disputes under the Economic Court of the CIS, he told about his experience and views concerning the following questions: is the arbitrator work an alternative to the career of a practicing lawyer or is it merely secondary to it? How is the arbitrator status favorable to a practicing lawyer’s career or is such status a pinnacle of such career?
Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" Evgeny Zhilin spoke during the part of the forum that was coming to an end. As an expert, he told about the services of the law firms, which are sought after by the corporate sector and about the pricing policies of the law firms during crisis.
The experts discussed lowering of the legal service prices – one of main causes for nervousness of the clients as well as of the law firms themselves. The matters of flexibility of the pricing policies of law firms and of interaction with the clients concerning the fees were discussed; the tools, which can help to decrease the costs of the legal services, were named.