The trends of the Russian and European realty markets 2013-2014
On October 8, The Moscow Times newspaper will initiate, within the framework of EXPO REAL 2013 international exhibition and at the Government of Moscow stand, the traditional exchange of opinions between representatives of business and the authorities for the purpose of studying the efficiency of implementation of developers’ projects in Russia.
Partner, Coordinator of international projects of the Law Firm "YUST" Evgeny Zhilin will represent the Firm, which is a partner of the event.
The subjects for the discussion include:
- The largest acquisitions at the realty markets of Russia and Europe. Transactions of the year of 2013.
- Analysis of fluctuations of offer and demand for various segments of realty in 2013-2014.
- The effect of the Cyprus issue over the development of the realty markets of Russia and Europe.
- Main problems faced by investors and developers during the implementation of projects in Russia.
- The procedure of consideration of the investors’ applications to the executive bodies of the city of Moscow; key moments.
- Problematic matters of investment contracts and their effect over the investments to the construction sphere.
- How the procedure of holding electronic auctions for the purchase of land plots within the Old Moscow has changed.
- The up-to-date concept of development of the New Moscow.
- The matters of the integrated land development within the framework of the New Moscow project.
- Elimination of administrative barriers and optimization of interaction with the administration of the city of Moscow for the purpose of improving the investment attractiveness.
- New vision of re-concepting industrial objects in Moscow.
Venue: EXPO REAL 2013, the Government of Moscow stand, New Munich Trade Fair Centre, Germany.
Location: Germany.
See here for more information.