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On 10 October 2005, Igor Valeryevich KONDRASHOV, a partner of the Bar Association of the Moscow Region “Law firm “YUST”, participated as an expert on corporate law in the Extended Session of the Section on legislation in the civil-legal relations and prop

On 10 October 2005, Igor Valeryevich KONDRASHOV, a partner of the Bar Association of the Moscow Region “Law firm “YUST”, participated as an expert on corporate law in the Extended Session of the Section on legislation in the civil-legal relations and property sphere of the Expert-consultative council on matters of economic development of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow on06.10.2005 left in force the Resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court, pursuant to which the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow revoked the ruling on the claim filed by LLC “Gazkomplektim

The Federal Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow on 06.10.2005 left in force the Resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court, pursuant to which the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow revoked the ruling on the claim filed by LLC “Gazkomplektimpex” for the exaction of a sum to the amount of 132.317829,86 rubles, received by National-Production Company “Komplex” as a commission.

In a Decision that came into legal force on 04.07.2005, the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow revoked the Decision of the Inter-Regional Inspectorate of the Federal Taxation Service of the RF on the Largest Taxpayers № 2 of 30.12.2004, calling to bo

In a Decision that came into legal force on 04.07.2005, the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow revoked the Decision of the Inter-Regional Inspectorate of the Federal Taxation Service of the RF on the Largest Taxpayers № 2 of 30.12.2004, calling to book LLC “Gazkomplektimpex” on charges of violating tax legislation.

The Presidium of the Moscow City Court revoked the resolution of the first and second instances that declared a marriage invalid

The Presidium of the Moscow City Court revoked the resolution of the first and second instances that declared a marriage invalid.

Alexander Alexandrovich SULIMOV, an attorney with the law firm “Yust”, was registered as a Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation on 6 July 2005

Alexander Alexandrovich SULIMOV, an attorney with the law firm “Yust”, was registered as a Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation on 6 July 2005. His area of expertise, as registered, is trademarks.

The Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow rejected the demand of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise (FSUE) “Mezhdunarodny pochtamt” to acknowledge its right to part of the profits of LLC “EMS Garantpost.” The legality of this court decision is upheld

FSUE “Mezhdunarodny pochtamt” filed a claim with the arbitration court against LLC “EMS Garantpost”, demanding the acknowledgement of its rights to part of the profits of LLC “EMS Garantpost” for the year 2003.

The Federal Customs Service has acknowledged as illegal the failure of lower standing customs bodies to file a claim on the exaction of import duty

In October 2004, bodies responsible for the safety of road traffic and internal affairs confiscated and annulled the road registration sign and number plates of the vehicle belonging to Russian citizen Igor Vyacheslavovich Shevtsov, on the pretext that import duty on the vehicle was not paid and, consequently, the vehicle was on the territory of the Russian Federation illegally.

The advocate of the Moscow Region Bar Association "Law Firm "YUST" ROKHLIN Arthur Alexandrovich has been awarded the status of a Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" (LLC)

The advocate of the Moscow Region Bar Association "Law Firm "YUST" ROKHLIN Arthur Alexandrovich has been awarded the status of a Partner of the Law Firm "YUST" (LLC).

On 9 April 2005, the Council of the Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation elected the Chairman of the Bar Association of the Moscow Region "Law firm "YUST", Yuri Sergeyevich Pilipenko, to the post of Vice-President of the Chamber

On 9 April 2005, the Council of the Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation elected the Chairman of the Bar Association of the Moscow Region "Law firm "YUST", Yuri Sergeyevich Pilipenko, to the post of Vice-President of the Chamber.

On 28 March 2005, the Intellectual Property Department of the “YUST” law firm was joined by a new specialist in the field, A.A. Sulimov

A.A. Sulimov graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy and was earlier employed by LLC “Nezavisimoye patentnoye agentstvo” [Independent Patent Agency] , and also by the Department for the Protection of Intellectual Property of the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics.