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Legal Aspect: migration question – the present and the future

The traditional release of the “Legal Aspect” program was aired by the Echo Moskvy radio station on October 25 of 2013. The program is authored and co-anchored by Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST". Together with a well-known journalist, anchor Yana Rozova, and the guests: Vladimir Tor, a public activist, chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Democratic Party, and Evgeny Bobrov, head of the Migration Policy Committee of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, they discussed the matters of the Russian migration policy.

BMW lost a brand dispute in a Russian court to Gazprom Neft

The German automobile concern did not like it that the Gazprom’s subsidiary had registered G-Drive brands as BMW has an entire line of similar trademarks. The counsels of the car maker and the oil company employed different approaches to which element – the word or the letter - was the dominating one. The Chamber on patent disputes decided that it was G. The court agreed. Advocate Denis Shumskiy of the Law Firm "YUST" commented on the situation for Pravo.RU news portal.

The II Russo-Polish Law Day: investment protection in the center of the discussions

The II Russo-Polish Law Day was successfully held in Moscow on October 24 of 2013. It is a law forum, the purpose of which is to approximate legal and business communities of Russia and Poland in order to create a comfortable legal, business and social and cultural climate. Representatives of well-known international and national companies, including law firms, of Russia and Poland were among the participants. Partner, Advocate Alexander Bolomatov represented the Law Firm "YUST".

The regional meeting of representatives of the Meritas member law firms from Europe, Asia and Middle East - 2013

The regional meeting of representatives of the Meritas member law firms from Europe, Asia and Middle East – 2013 was held in Madrid on October 17-18 of 2013. The format of the event enabled the specialists from over 75 countries of the world to exchange practical experience. Partner, Advocate Alexander Bolomatov represented the Law Firm "YUST".

Competition Litigation 2014. Specialists of the Law Firm "YUST" participated in the publishing of ICLG thematic guide

The new edition «Competition Litigation 2014», containing practical comparative law information on antimonopoly regulation in 30 countries of the world was published under the auspices of ICLG. Specialists of the Law Firm "YUST" – Senior Partner, Advocate, Doctor-at-Law Artem Kukin and the Head of the Antimonopoly Law Group Radmila Nikitina – were the authors of the chapter dedicated to the Russian laws in the sphere.

A career in jurisprudence. The employers’ opinions on the education of young specialists

The FutureToday company in association with the Secret of the Firm magazine (Kommersant Publishing House) conducted a study of the employers’ expectations from the young specialists in the sphere of jurisprudence in July of 2013. 138 companies from the rating of the most wanted employers and the Pravo.RU rating of legal firms. The Law Firm "YUST" was among the respondents.

Sports law. American students learned about the peculiarities of the Russian national law

Mikhail Prokopets, Head of the Sports Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", delivered a lecture to the students of St. John NYC university taking the L.L.M. program. The expert was invited to give to the young American lawyers a three-hour presentation of the peculiarities of the Russian sports law and the tendencies of its development.

Russia refused arbitration proceedings on the Arctic Sunrise case

Russian will not participate in the preliminary procedures in the international tribunal. Evgeny Zhilin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", provided the Kommersant newspaper with an expert’s opinion on the situation.

Russia refuses to take part in proceedings initiated by the Netherlands at an international maritime tribunal on the Arctic Sunrise case

The experts questioned by RAPSI believe that Russia is not going to participate in the international tribunal on the case of the Arctic Sunrise and her crew. This, however, is unlikely to hinder the tribunal in Hamburg, where the Netherlands went in connection with the incident. Evgeny Zhilin, Partner of Law Firm "YUST", provided RAPSI with a commentary.

Interpol finds 12 negotiated matches in the Russian football

The problem of negotiated matches in Russia is quite acute. However, experts say, the mechanism of its solving is still not tuned. Mikhail Prokopets, Head of the Sports Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", gave a commentary to Business FM.