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Alexey POPOV, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", took part in a joint meeting of the Commission of the Association of Lawyers of Russia and the Joint Commission on rendering a qualified legal aid, held at the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of


Members of the Council of Federation, executive staff of the Inquiry Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, representatives of government agencies, representatives of the Accounts Chamber, and representatives of legal community took part in the meeting.

The participants discussed topical issues on counteraction against corporate raid. Yury ALEXEEV, Deputy Director of the Inquiry Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, analyzed the law enforcement practice in regard to the facts of corporate raid takeovers, and informed the audience on actions of the law enforcement authorities, aimed at preclusion of illegal corporate raid takeovers. Amendments to the existing anti-raid legislation were introduced at the meeting.

American colleagues made a report on the institution of plea bargaining, existing in the U.S. law enforcement practice.

The meeting was presided over by Alexander TORSHIN, First Vice-president of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

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