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An interview with Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, associate partner at the Law firm “YUST”, and an article by Irina Charkova, lawyer at the Firm, have been published in the May issue of the “Labour Disputes” magazine


The “Labour Disputes” magazine (№ 5, May 2010), that focuses on matters of settling labour conflicts, published an interview with Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, associate partner at the Law firm “YUST” and member of the magazine’s Council of experts, as well as an article by Irina Charkova, lawyer at the Firm.

Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya spoke in her interview to the magazine about the ample experience accumulated by the Law firm “YUST” while rendering services on diverse issues regarding the application of labour legislation, typical mistakes employers make while formalizing employment relations as well as possible ways of avoiding and settling labour conflicts.

The article by Irina Charkova describes a chronicle of a labour dispute she helped to successfully resolve for a client of the Firm – a large Japanese commercial company.

The Law firm "YUST" congratulates the editorial board of the “Labour Disputes” magazine to the new layout of a noticeable quality and expresses its gratitude for diversified, topical and invariably interesting materials published.

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