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Artur ROKHLIN, Partner of the Law Firm «YUST», took part in the Russian business leaders summit held on 1-8 November 2008 in Chile and Argentina.


Promotion of trade and economic relations between Russia and the Latin American countries, resolution of topical issues within the framework of a direct dialogue between business and government, and the attracting of foreign investors’ attention to prospective projects were the main goals and objectives of the meeting.

Entrepreneurs, bankers, top managers of industrial, commercial and financial companies, partners of major consulting companies from Russia, Europe, the USA, Chile, Argentina and other countries of Latin America took part in the summit.

During the round tables held on the summit, there were discussed such issues as the perspectives of the trade and economic relations between Russia and the Latin American countries, the cooperation opportunities in the area of manufacture and export of machinery and building equipment, the review of the most profitable areas in Latin America for investment of Russian capital, and issues on international cooperation in the high technology area. The development of both investment cooperation and trade and economic relations in regional areas became one of the most important issues of the summit. The direct investments into regional projects, legal aspects of investors’ activities in regional areas, and issues on organization of joint manufacturing companies in various sectors of the economy were touched upon in the context of this topic.

At the summit, Artur ROKHLIN, Partner of the Law Firm «YUST», delivered reports on the “Russian Legislation on Foreign Investments” and the “Main Issues of Antimonopoly Regulation of Foreign Investment Activities.”

The summit promoted the cooperation between Russia and the Latin American countries and opened up new opportunities for business communities of these countries.

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