Dynamic development of the Law firm 'YUST' – the increase in number of advocates and lawyers of the Firm, and the widening of the range of services.
Due to a dynamic development of the Law firm 'YUST', marked by the increase in number of clients and of their instructions, the Law firm 'YUST' has increased the number of its lawyers up to 50 persons, as of 1 September 2008.
Taking into consideration today's trends of the law services market's development, and aspiring for a complete satisfaction of its' clients demands, the Law firm 'YUST' has established the Sports Law Team, which shall be supervised by Igor Kondrashov, Partner of the Firm. Mikhail Prokopets, Senior lawyer of the Law firm 'YUST' shall be an expert of the Sports Law Team due to his profound experience in the rendering of law services in Sports Law area.