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Evgeny Zhilin, Associate Partner of the Law Firm “YUST” took part in the enlarged meeting of the Working Group for corporate law development and perfection of National Council for Corporate Management(NCCM).


Among the participants of the meeting were heads of legal departments and corporate blocks of most prominent Russian companies and banks-members of NCCM, as well as representatives of investment community, stock exchanges, world finance institutions and business associations.

Law Firm “YUST” Representative Evgeny Zhilin in his speech mentioned a number of drawbacks of the regulative bill under discussion, that were revealed within detailed analysis. Thus in particular, the implied idea to settle with the Federal Executive Authority in charge of finance markets the issues, that should be regulated expressly by Law, definitely provoked objections.

According to Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Financial Market Liana Pepelyaeva, special working group aimed to provide necessary corrections of the Bill wording was arranged in State Duma. Working group will take into account notes and proposals done in the course of similar public discussions. The results of the Meeting will be described in the Analytical Report destined for State Duma.

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