Law firm “YUST” staff participate in seminar in Eckernfцerde (Germany)
Staff of the Law firm “YUST” – Projects Manager E. R. Zhilin, advocate Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, attorneys K.N. Bolomatova and Yu. P. Mikhailova – took part in a seminar on the subject of “A Comparison of Russian and German Corporate Law” at Eckernfцerde (Germany) on 1-8 October 2006.
The seminar was jointly organized by the Russian-German Law Institute and the Institute of Law of East European Countries of Kiel University (Germany).
The program of the seminar comprised the presentation of lectures and conduct of discussions concerning some of the most interesting and pertinent questions of corporate law in Germany and Russia, including those regarding the redistribution of monetary means within concerns in accordance with German law (the formation of so-called “cash pools”), the legal regulation of the responsibilities of constitutors concerning the obligations of joint-stock companies and companies with limited liability according to German law (Durchgriffshaftung), the legal regulation of the acquisition of large parcels of shares in accordance with Russian legislation on joint-stock companies, problems arising in connection with the conclusion and execution of shareholders’ agreements in the Russian Federation, etc.
Leading Russian and German specialists on corporate law took part in the seminar, including Doctor of Legal Studies, Professor V.P.Mozolin; Doctor of Legal Studies, Professor A.P. Sergeyev; Doctor of Legal Studies, Assistant Professor M.V. Telyukina; Dr. P. Fischer; Dr. B. Grunewald; Dr. P. Pfeil; Dr. H.-J. Schram and others. Leading specialists in the sphere of private international law also participated in the work of the seminar - Doctor of Legal Studies, Professor M.M. Boguslavsky and Dr. A. Trunk – who spoke about the problems of the lex societatis of legal entities.
As part of a supplementary program, the participants of the seminar conducted a number of working meetings in bodies of state power of Schleswig-Holstein, and visited the chambers of an international law firm in Hamburg.