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Mikhail Prokopets, a Senior Lawyer at the Law Firm “YUST”, has participated in the International Conference on the Sports Law arranged by the Swiss Law Firm LIBRA LAW


The international conference on the sports law arranged by the Swiss law firm LIBRA LAW was held in Moscow on 10 December, 2009.

Jorge Hibarola and Claude Ramonie, partners at the firm, shared their sports law experience with the participants. For instance, Jorge Hibarola made an extensive and informative report on judicial remedies at the International Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS), and in the Dispute Resolution Chamber of FIFA and FIBA. In his speech Claude Ramonie touched upon the topical subject of doping disputes and peculiarities of such dispute investigations with the International Court of Arbitration for Sports.

Also, Ivan Antipov, legal counsel at non-commercial partnership “the Russian Football Premier League”, and Vladimir Sarayev, head of the Continental Hockey League’s Disciplinary and Arbitration Department, made their reports at the conference.

The Law Firm “YUST” was represented by Mikhail Prokopets at the conference. The representatives from the Russian Football Union, Professional Football Premier League, Continental Hockey League, Biathlon Federation of Russia, sports law professionals from Ukraine and Belorussia also participated in the conference.

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