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Mikhail Prokopets, a Senior Lawyer at the Law firm "YUST", took part in the seminar “Jurisprudence by the Sports Arbitration Court (Lausanne) and innovations of international sports law”


The seminar was organized by the Switzerland Bar Association and the Sports Arbitration Court (Lausanne) with FIFA support and held on September 17th and 18th in Lausanne, Switzerland.

An unprecedented number of specialists took part in the seminar: over 250 sports lawyers, representatives of sports federations, football clubs, agents and sports officials from over 20 countries.

The speakers at the seminar, including active arbitrators of the Sports Arbitration Court, celebrated sports lawyers and officials touched upon the most urgent and topical matters of international sports law and arbitration. These included amending the Regulation of the Sports Arbitration Court, sports passport, sports betting problems, as well as issues of compensation paid by football players and clubs as a consequence of unfounded unilateral contract termination.

Business contacts with sports law specialists were established during the seminar for future use to the benefit of the Firm’s clients.

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