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Participation of the Law firm "YUST" in the Seventh annual symposium for young lawyers organized by MULTILAW, a leading international association of independent law firms.


The symposium was organized by MULTILAW, the leading international association of independent law firms, which the Law firm "YUST" is a member of.

In the symposium, 26 young experts in contractual law and corporate law from 19 countries, including Russia, the USA, the Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and Brazil took part.

During a week, the symposium participants received an intensive training on conclusion of foreign trade contracts with respect to legal systems of various countries. The program provided symposium participants with active discussions of various issues on contract law which were held in small groups.

Moreover, for participation in the symposium there were invited lecturers who made reports on specifics of work of law firm lawyers and on rules of a lawyer-client interaction.

Besides acquisition of new knowledge in contract law, the symposium purpose was to establish close connections and friendly relations between representatives of law firms – international members of MULTILAW, for further fruitful cooperation for their clients' benefit.

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