Participation of the Law firm "YUST" Partners in the Annual conference of the MULTILAW, the Multinational Association of Independent Law Firms.
Artem KUKIN, Partner of the Law firm "YUST", and Alexander BOLOMATOV, Associated Partner of the Law "YUST", took part in the Annual conference of the MULTILAW, the Multinational Association of Independent Law Firms, held in Rome (Italy) on 2-5 October 2008.
Traditionally, the conference is a place for personal contact of representatives of various legal firms – the MULTILAW members, which facilitates the establishment of closer contacts between them.
During the conference, issues on practical activities of the MULTILAW members were discussed; representatives of various legal firms – the MULTILAW members – made presentations on the following issues: «Interaction between lawyers and mass media», «International franchise», etc. Representatives of various legal firms – the MULTILAW members – took an active interest in discussion of the specified issues.
The conference was organized by the MULTILAW and the law firm Astolfo Di Amato & Associati Avvocati (Italy). The conference program included a varied cultural program which provided a good opportunity for personal contacts of representatives of various legal firms – the MULTILAW members.
At the moment, the MULTILAW Association consists of more than 65 independent law firms located in more than 50 countries (in all the world’s major financial centers). Interaction of law firms within the MULTILAW framework is based on efficiency and competence principles, and demands the observance of the highest quality standards of legal service.