Participation of the Law firm "YUST" Partners in the International Business Conference held on Cyprus.
Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law firm "YUST" and Chairman of Board of Moscow Region Bar Association "Law firm “YUST”, and Evgeny Zhilin, Associated Partner of the Law firm "YUST" took part in the International Business Conference held on 2-6 July 2008 in Cyprus. The organizer of «Russia and emerging markets: how to avoid financial crisis» conference was RosBusinessConsulting Company.
The main objective of the conference was to promote dialogue between representatives of leading financial institutions and corporations with representatives of state bodies and organizations, and with top managers of Russian companies; to discuss the most actual issues of international and Russian financial markets, to work out a strategy to avoid and overcome consequences of financial crisis. In course of the conference, the participants have also discussed issues on structurization of Russian and foreign companies' activities with participation of several offshore jurisdictions (Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and others).
Representatives of several Russian and foreign financial groups, managing companies, investment banks and other private and institutional investors of Europe, Russia, the CIS countries and other countries, representatives of leading consulting companies have participated in the conference.