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Partners at the Law Firm “YUST” have participated in the preparation of <i>The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Competition Litigation 2010</i>.


The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Competition Litigation 2010 has been published by Global Legal Group Ltd, London - . The legal guide addresses the procedures and peculiarities of competition litigations in various countries of the world.

Artem Kukin and Arthur Rokhlin, partners at the Law Firm “YUST”, were invited by the publishers to act as experts on Russia. Chapter 27 of the legal guide deals with the competition laws of the Russian Federation and contains replies to the following questions: a legal basis to take legal actions on the infringement of the competition laws (including the infringement of regulations and provisions, stipulated in the international legislative acts), jurisdiction of courts in addressing competition litigations, interim and final remedies to protect civil rights, procedural tenets of the competition litigations (introduction of evidence and witness testimony), a limitation period for filing claims, appeals of the court rulings, etc.

This article is available at:

The Law Firm “YUST” thanks Global Legal Group Ltd for this opportunity of cooperation.

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