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Senior Associate of the Law Firm “YUST” Michael Prokopets took part in the meeting of Sports Law Commission of the Russian Lawyers Association. The above meeting took place at the premises of Moscow State Law Academy (MSLA).


In the sitting of the Commission also took part:

  • Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, Member of the Council to the President of Russia for Physical Culture and Sports Promotion, High Sporting Achievements, Preparing and Conduction of XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Para-Olympic Games in Sochi, Academician of the Russian Academy of High Sporting Achievements, Olympic Champion and Honoured Master of Sports of Russia A.T. Sikharulidze;
  • Deputy Russian Federation Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Chairman of the Board of Russian Lawyers Association I.E. Manylov;
  • Rector of MSLA, Head of Legal Proceedings Chair of the MSLA, Member of Presidium of Russian Lawyers Association Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation Professor V.V. Blazheev;
  • President of the Russian Association of Labour Law and Social Security, Honoured Scientist of RF, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Social Sciences, Head of the Labour and Social Security Law Chair of the MSLA, member of Executive Committee of Russian Football Union, President of the Legal Committee of Russian Football Union K.N. Gusov,
  • Legal Adviser of the RF Minister for Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy D.I. Rogachev,
  • International Class Master of Sports on billiards Anastasia Luppova;
  • Producer of billiards broadcastings for central TV channel “Sport-TV“, General Director of Russian Billiards House Michael Nazarov.

The participants of the meeting discussed wide range of issues related to sports law and perfection of RF sports legislation.

In particular, basing on the statement of the Chairman of Russian Federation Government V.V. Putin (made at the sitting of Presidium of Council to the President of Russia for Physical Culture and Sports Promotion, High Sporting Achievements, Preparing and Conduction of XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Para-Olympic Games in Sochi within discussion related to situation with Russian National Biathlon Team) the participants approved the idea to arrange special entity aiming to protect legal rights of Russian sportsmen, coaches and general interests of National sports on the international sporting scene. The aforesaid entity should be arranged on the basis of Sports Law Commission of the Russian Lawyers Association.

The suggestion of Legal Adviser of RF Minister for Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy D.I. Rogachev to found in Russia together with Russian Lawyers Association Special Sports Arbitration Tribunal met a lot of positive appraisals and approvals.

Michael Prokopets delivered reports covering the issues pertaining to establishment of Special Sporting Arbitration Tribunal of Russia, Sports Code of Russian Federation and other topics related to perfection of Sports Law and expediency to implement criminal responsibility of sportsmen and coaches for dope usage or persuasion to use.

The meeting also considered the appeal of Master of Sports Anastasia Luppova regarding legal problems in the National Federation of Billiards.

Besides the above mentioned, Michael Prokopets and Denis Rogachev presented their book “Football Fair: Book of football agents”. This book will soon appear in all Moscow central book shops.

The Commission meeting was covered in mass media (TV channels ‘Sports” and “Law-TV” and newspaper “Sport-express”.

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