The Law firm “YUST” acted as a consultant in the transaction for the acquisition of shares in the charter capital of the airline company “Volga-Dnepr.”
The Law firm “YUST” participated in the ending of a two year long dispute between the main and minority participants of the “Volga-Dnepr” Group of Companies. As a result of negotiations assisted by the Law firm “YUST”, the major owners and management of the air carrier reached agreement concerning the purchase of the minority shareholders’ stakes in the charter capital of the airline on mutually satisfactory conditions and the cessation of numerous court proceedings in arbitration courts. In the course of court proceedings and the conclusion of an amicable agreement, the Law firm “YUST” was represented by Partners Artem KUKIN and Arthur ROCHLIN, as well as a number of leading advocates and attorneys of the Firm.
As a result of the transaction, the main owners and management of the airline received control over more than 80% of its charter capital. The end of the lengthy conflict shall enable the “Volga-Dnepr” Group of Companies to consolidate efforts in further development of the airline and significantly ease the procedures connected with attracting external credit, including through IPO.
The “Volga-Dnepr” Group of Companies is the largest Russian air transporter, and a world leader in the segment of transportation of super-heavy and large-volume consignments. Figures for 2006 show that the assets of the Group comprised 510 million US Dollars, and its turnover – 660 million US Dollars.