The Law Firm “YUST” held a seminar for practicing lawyers, dedicated to “Contemporary Issues of Enforcement Practice in the field of Investing Activities, performed in the form of Capital Investment”.
The seminar was moderated by Evgeny ZHILIN, Projects Manager of the Law Firm “YUST”.
In the course of the seminar there were touched several contemporary issues of enforcement practice in the sphere of construction activity investment, including the topic on variety of forms of legal relationship regulation, existing in that sphere. Alongside with traditional investment contracts and co-investment agreements, there were reviewed contracts for share participation in construction activities, preliminary sale-purchase agreements, agreements on co-operation, and other legal forms, mediating relationships in the sphere of the capital project construction.
During the seminar the participants also discussed contemporary issues of court practice, including some recent resolutions of the Moscow District Federal Arbitration Court on cases resulting from legal relationships in investment.