The Law firm "YUST" held a Seminar on Tax law.
Igor Pastukhov, Moderator of the Seminar and Advocate of the Law firm "YUST", considered issues on qualification of crimes, penalty for which is provided under Articles 198 - 199.2 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.
In particular, there were discussed issues on bringing to criminal liability for tax evasion due to non-presentation of tax return or other documents which submission according to the Taxes and Collections Legislation of the Russian Federation is obligatory, or by entering of false data in tax return or such documents.
At the seminar there were considered cases from judiciary practice on tax crimes. In particular, issues reflected in the Decree No. 64 of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation «On practice of application by courts of the criminal legislation on responsibility for tax crimes» dated 28.12.2006 were discussed at the seminar.