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The Law Firm “YUST” jointly with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation arranged a Themed Business Luncheon “Bankruptcy in Times of Crisis: is it an End or a New Start?”.


Artem Kukin, Partner at the Law Firm “YUST”, Evgeny Zhilin, Associate Partner, Agnes Lalardrie, a Counsellor, and Olga Zaitseva, an Associate, participated in a business luncheon “Bankruptcy in Times of Crisis: is it an End or a New Start?” arranged by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation (CCIFR) and the Law Firm “YUST” on 2 February, 2010.

Artem Kukin, Partner at the Law Firm “YUST”, made a report on peculiarities of insolvency in Russia, protection of lenders’ and debtors’ rights as well as on the most recent changes in the bankruptcy laws.

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation comprises over 200 companies doing business in various sectors. Such companies as Total, BNP PARIBAS, Sodexo, BSGV, Renault, Yves Rocher, Air France, Auchan, Akado Telecom, Danone, etc. are CCIFR members.

In the course of the business luncheon business contacts were established with major French and Russian companies, CCIFR members, for the sake of further fruitful cooperation to the best interest of the clients of the Law Firm “YUST”.

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