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The Law firm "YUST" provided legal support for the establishment of a joint venture in Russia between the companies “Goldschmidt Thermit GmbH” and “AT-Svarka”


The Law Firm "YUST" represented the interests of the German company “Goldschmidt Thermit GmbH”, one of the world leaders in railroad infrastructure, in the transaction with the Russian “Aluminotermitnaya Svarka” LLC and its owner V. Lenkin. The two companies created a joint venture in the Russian territory. The transaction will lead to joining of expertise and efforts of the parties in order to promote hi-tech production and services of construction, operation and maintenance of railroads in the Russian market, as well as in the markets of the CIS countries.

Evgeny Zhilin, Associate Partner at the Firm, and Artem Boyko, lawyer at the Firm, provided legal support for the transaction.

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