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The Law Firm “YUST” took part in the Fifth HR Forum held on 11 December 2008 in Moscow.


The message of the Fifth HR Forum was “Step-by-step guidelines for HR service operation under the crisis conditions”. The given issue is the most topical and relevant for business and HR circles under the crisis conditions.

Leading HR experts from major Russian and foreign enterprises operating in various industries (such as retail, construction, manufacture and many others), representatives of HR consulting firms, and labor lawyers took part in the Forum.

The Forum participants shared information on methodologies of manpower resources optimization under the crisis conditions elaborated by them in their respective areas of business. In the course of an active discussion the advantages and disadvantages (risks) of each proposed option had been considered, as a result of which the most important and effective in the current economical environment behavior patterns and strategies were determined.

Anna KOTOVA-SMOLENSKAYA, Advocate and Associated Partner of the Law Firm “YUST”, took part in the Forum by sharing a wide Firm’s experience in application of labor legislation in practice, including the rendering of a high quality legal aid for the firm’s clients during the personnel costs optimization, particularly the cases of preserving a pre-crisis number of employees, i.e. without application of dismissal (reduction) procedure.

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