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The Law firm "YUST" took part in the Global Data Privacy Project


Data privacy, security and information management are preeminent business concerns in today's electronic environment. Companies increasingly conduct business operations that involve the transfer or storage of their customers' or employees' personal data to another jurisdiction or country. Payroll and tax records, medical records, credit card information, insurance data, and other types of non-public personal information are commonly the subject of a cross border transfer. Whether a data transfer is directly managed or outsourced to a third party service provider, the business is responsible for assuring the privacy and security of the non-public personal information that it owns or controls. Businesses that operate in more than one country must be cognizant of the different viewpoints concerning data privacy and security issues in those countries. Most countries have adopted data privacy legislation or rules to protect their citizens, but the specific requirements for collection, storage and transfer of non-public personal information among the many countries of the world vary considerably. Furthermore, notice and consent to transfer requirements are often unique to each country.

The Global Data Privacy Project implemented with the assistance from the Firm will allow those interested to receive on-line information on different aspects of legal regulation of protection of information and personal data in different countries.

More details on the Project are available on the website:

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