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The presentation of a new book by Professor Mark BOGUSLAVSKY, Partner of the Law firm “YUST”, was held in Moscow.


The book “The Witness to the Epoch” was published by the Moscow publishing house “Norma”.

Mark BOGUSLAVSKY – a major Russian scholar in international private law, patent law and copyright – narrates in his book not only about his life, countries and continents he has visited and events he has witnessed, but also about the people promoting jurisprudence, who have trained a generation of lawyers.

Mark BOGUSLAVSKY’s former students and post-graduates, his colleagues from the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, partners of the law firm “YUST”, teachers from the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, associates from the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, and distinguished Moscow attorneys came to congratulate him with the publishing of the new book.

Vladimir PLIGIN, Chairman of the Constitutional Legislation and State Development Committee of the State Duma, delivered the opening speech; he noted an outstanding contribution of Prof. Mark BOGUSLAVSKY into the development of Russian and International Law. A distinguished Russian attorney Henry Reznik, and associates of Prof. Mark BOGUSLAVSKY from the Institute of State and Law, his former students warmly congratulated him and sincerely wished him a further progress in the writing of new books.

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