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Overview for Practical Law: "Communications regulation and outsourcing law in the Russian Federation: overview"

Associated partner of the YUST Law Firm Igor Kostennikov has prepared an updated edition of the overview of the Russian telecommunications legislation "Communications regulation and outsourcing law in the Russian Federation: overview" for the Practical Law handbook published by the international analytical company Thompson Reuters


The housing issue will be decided by cadaster

"A bona fide buyer bears financial losses in the absence of his guilt. In this case, the amount of compensation equivalent to the cadastral value of the object will allow a bona fide buyer to minimize the damage caused by wrongful actions of the guilty persons”, said to "Izvestiya" lawyer of the "Yust" law firm Lucyna Dou.


Russian advocates ask for help in the UN

The lawyer of the "YUST" law firm Andrey Orlov stressed "Nezavisimaya Gazeta" that it is a total ignoring by investigators of the interests of the defense


Toning at a similar price

The State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation plans to reject the bill, increasing the sanction for this violation three times, and for the repeated violation - 10 times


The authorities did not support the idea of ​​providing housing to rehabilitated victims of reprisals out of turn

Partner of the "YUST" Law Firm Alexander Bolomatov supported the position of the Government of the Russian Federation, noting the "Novaya Advokatskaya Gazeta" that the bill can be called unprocessed


Minority "Pharmstandard" helped the court's distrust of the stock market quotes

The Moscow Region Arbitration Court satisfied claims of four minority shareholders of PJSC "Pharmstandard" on recovery of RUB 542.44 million from the majority shareholder - Cyprian Augment Investments, beneficiaries of which are Viktor Kharitonin and Yegor Kulkov


Regression procedure for officials is improved

The Government of the Russian Federation will submit to the State Duma a draft amendment to the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, which supposed to increase the efficiency of representation in the courts the interests of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities on claims for recovery of funds from budgets of all levels and execution of judicial acts


Bitcoin minings the Nuclear physics

The lawyer of the "YUST" Law Firm, Igor Pastukhov, explained to Kommersant newspaper that there is no criminal punishment for itself, but the actions of the employees of the nuclear center can be qualified as causing property damage by abusing trust (Article 165 of the Criminal Code), as they involved working computer and could spend its resources and a large amount of electricity for mining


Tightening of sanctions for "tipsy" ride

The Interior Ministry's request to increase the criminal liability of drivers re-caught on drunk driving should be accompanied by a goal to strengthen the requirements for procedural registration and investigation of such offenses. This was reported to the REGNUM correspondent by the lawyer of the "YUST" Law Firm Andrey Orlov on February 9, commenting on the amendments to the art. 264.1 of the Criminal Code ("Violation of traffic rules by a person subjected to administrative punishment").


Fertilizers did not go for the future "Sistema"

Partner of the "YUST" Law Firm Alexander Bolomatov doubts that Loyal arguments have a great chance of success in the appeal.