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The judges added on their explanations

An article by specialists of the Law Firm "YUST": - Senior Partner, Advocate, Doctor-at-Law Artem Kukin and Advocate Vasily Raudin – on the Resolution No. 56 “On making amendments and additions to the resolution No. 63 “On certain matters related to the application of Chapter III.1 of the Federal Law “On insolvency (bankruptcy)”” by the Plenum of the Higher Court of Arbitration of Russia dated 23.12.2010” by the Plenum of the Higher Court of Arbitration of Russia dated 02.07.2013 was published in the “Corporate Lawyer: practicum” magazine.

Scientific and practical commentary to the Code of lawyer's professional ethics. Second edition

Second edition, revised and enlarged. Author of the book, managing partner of the law firm «YUST», the first Vice-President of the Federal chamber of lawyers of the Russian Federation, doctor of legal Sciences Yury Pilipenko.

Franchising in Russia – myth or reality?

Getting the Deal Through, a competent international edition for corporate lawyers and practitioners published a material on the perspectives of franchising in Russia drawn up by the experts of the Law Firm "YUST": Partner Evgeny Zhilin, Partner, Advocate, Doctor-at-Law Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, Advocate Denis Shumskiy.

B2B: Time to think about Public-private partnership

Partner of the Law firm "YUST", PhD Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya and lawyer of the Law firm "YUST" Roman Cherlenyak - for the newspaper The Moscow Times.

Monopoly crooks

Managing partner of the Law firm «YUST» Yury Pilipenko - portal

Trade policy and regulation: Russian laws and practice of their application

Associate partner of the Law firm «YUST», Evgeny Zhilin - for the journal «Lawyer Monthly».

The only Mommy in the world?

While the method of surrogacy was developing, it gave birth to a much larger number of moral and legal problems than of medical ones. Of course, natural childbirth is absolutely necessary, but alternative methods and their regal governing also need to develop, and that development should be based on the principles of humaneness, reasonableness and fairness. Tatiana Starikova, Head of Private Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", shared her view on legislative suggestions set forth in the article “On the right of a surrogate mother to keep the born child” by advocate Dmitry Nikitin with the readers of the New Advocate’s Newspaper.

On the issue of juridical technique of the Advocate’s Code of Professional Ethics

An article by Vasiliy Raudin, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", on the wordings of the Advocate’s Code of Professional Ethics, which should be made more exact, was published in the “Novaya Advokatskaya Gazeta (New Advocate’s Newspaper)” (No. 18 (131), 2012).

5 ways to win time during the tax audit, to bring documents in order

Head of tax and customs law of the Law firm «YUST», Maxim Rovinskiy and lawyer of the Law firm «YUST» Dmitry Manuilov - for the magazine «General Director».

Interests of the business. How business can protect its interests during the consideration of disputes in the WTO

Since August 22 of 2012, Russia is a full member of the World Trade Organization. Our country now is a party to numerous agreements within the WTO framework and has a wide scope of rights and duties in the sphere of international commerce. In this connection, the business representatives grow increasingly more interested in the mechanism of resolution of international disputes within the united commercial space and in its operation. Whether or not they have any chance of influencing the process, one may learn from the article “Interests of the business” by Evgeny Zhilin, Associated Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", and Gulnaz Ismagilova, undergraduate of the MGIMO of MFA of Russia (New Advocate’s Newspaper, No. 7, 2013).