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Lien legal relations in the corporate sphere

An article by Roman Cherlenyak, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", on practical problems of lien over corporate rights, was published in the issue No. 4/2013 of the “Corporate Lawyer” magazine.

Reform of the CC RF gave integrity of second life

Associate partner of the Law firm "YUST", PhD Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya - for the newspaper "Economy and life".

Expansion of the creditors’ claims list. How to counter the abuses by interested persons

An article by lawyers of the Law Firm "YUST" – Partner, Advocate Artem Kukin and Vasiliy Raudin – on topical problems of bankruptcy was published in the issue No. 3/2013 of the “Arbitration Practice” magazine.

Problems of proof in antitrust cases

An article by Egor Svechnikov, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", was published in the issue No. 1/2013 of the “Competition and Market” magazine. The author analyzes the problems, which the companies and the FAS may face, if they intend to submit new proof to the court in an antitrust dispute.

An expert’s forecast: an increase of the amount of accusations of status companies of entering into cartels is expected in 2013

Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", told the readers of the “Juridical World” magazine of the pitfalls, which had not been taken into account during the elaboration of the Third Antitrust Package, and of the branches, which should await accusations of forming cartels in 2013.

Collective insurance of borrowers. Antitrust context

After the crisis of 2008 banks and insurance companies started suggesting new services to clients. For example, when the borrower takes a loan, he may pay separately for life and health insurance. However, the banks at times abuse their rights, and antitrust authorities oppose such forcing services on the consumer. Andrey Astanin, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", tells in the “Competition and Law” magazine, No. 1 of 2013, how the FAS and the HCA of Russia suggest resolving such problems.

Bankruptcy of the debtor and the creditors’ risks

An article by Artem Kukin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", was published at The Moscow Times newspaper. It describes the main problems faced by the creditors, when the debtor goes through the bankruptcy procedure.

Results: the ways to delimitate competencies

An article by Radmila Nikitina, Acting Head of Competition Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", dedicated to the issue of delimitation of competencies between the Federal Antitrust Service and the Federal Service of Supervision in the Area of Consumers’ Rights Protection and Well-Being of Humans (Rospotrebnadzor), was published in the appendix to Vedomosti newspaper.

Legal consequences of sales. How to hold a sale without legal problems

An article by Ivan Shiyonok, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", on the ways to prevent disputes with tax and antitrust authority after New Year sales, was published at the “Commercial Director” magazine (No. 12, December of 2012).

Competition law in the BRICS countries

Wolters Kluwer publishing house together with the International Bar Association (IBA) published the book “Competition law in the BRICS Countries”. The book contains the comparative analysis of competition law provisions of Brazil, Russia, India, China and the South-African Republic. Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", and Radmila Nikitina, Head of Competition Law Group of the Firm, are the co-authors of the chapter on abuse of dominating position in Russia.