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Requirements lawyers

Managing partner of the Law firm «YUST» Yury Pilipenko for the «Direct investments».

Average earnings during downsizing: still no uniform judicial practice

When an employee is dismissed during downsizing, the employer owes him, even though no formal relations currently exist between them. Vladimir Starovoytov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", in his articles explains the employer’s risks of ambiguity of wordings of the legal provision, on the basis of which various courts keep passing judgments that contradict each other.

Surety in bank crediting

An article by Alexey Sidorov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", was published in the “Banking Survey” magazine (October of 2013). The article tells about whether the legal uncertainty in the sphere of sureties was eliminated by the Resolution No. 42 dated July 12 of 2013 by the Plenum of the HCA of Russia.

The advocates’ demands

This autumn, the experts’ community will discuss the amendments to the law on advocacy within the framework of the “Justice” program that was approved by the Government of Russia in April of 2013. One of the program’s purposes is introduction of the advocate’s monopoly in the Russian sphere of legal services. Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", First Vice President of the Federal Chamber of Advocates, shared his expert’s views on the current situation with the “Direct Investments” magazine (No. 9, 2013).

From legal nihilism to nihilism of law. Reflections on the modern ways to read “Fathers and Sons”

The IV Investment and Law Forum was successfully held in Arkhangelsk in May of 2013. Yury Pilipenko, Doctor-at-Law, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", delivered the opening speech. The New Advocate’s Newspaper (No. 17, 2013) publishes excerpts from his speech.

Insurance from bonus

Insurance payments should be imposed on any stimulating payments (bonuses for anniversaries and holidays), even if those are not stipulated in the employment agreement. Such is the decision adopted by the Higher Court of Arbitration of Russia. Associate Vladimir Starovoytov of the Law Firm "YUST" told the readers of the “Banking Survey” magazine on the peculiarities and significance of this court precedent in his publication.

A shareholder loses corporate control. The ways to restore it

An article by the specialists of the Law Firm "YUST" – Associate Yulia Karpova and Associate’s Assistant Natalia Lazareva – on the ways to restore corporate control in the event of its loss by the shareholder was published at the “Arbitration Practice” magazine (No. 5, 2013).

Regarding the charge of non-documentary securities extrajudicially

An article by Yulia Karpova, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", on the problems of charging non-documentary securities was published at the “Mergers and Acquisitions” magazine, No.5/2103.

Perspectives of implementation of the Justice state program: possible problems and their solutions

Ekaterina Shestakova, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", shared with the participants of the III International Law Forum of Saint Petersburg her expert’s opinion on the perspectives of state measures to increase the lawyers’ professionalism in the light of implementation of the Justice program.

Breach of shareholder agreements and ruling the management decisions invalid

Erika Kindsvater, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", compares the corporate practice of Russian and German courts. The article was published at the LEXPRO law portal.