Honoured lawyer of the Russian Federation.
The competition for potential borrowers each year forces credit organizations to improve the quality of traditional services as well as create new services, for example – voluntary life and health insurance. This service has been gaining popularity with the populace. However, there is another side to the coin: more judicial proceedings related to this type of insurance at the receipt of a loan, which is due to a legal gap in the regulation of said service.
An article by Andrey Astanin, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", was published in the “Legal work in a credit organization” magazine (No. 1, 2014), where the author studies in detail:
· The peculiarities of the legal construction of the service of life and health insurance for the borrower and its purpose;
· The conditions for rendering the service, which the banks determine on their own;
· Possible breaches by the banks.
The publication is available in the printed version of the magazine.