Legal aspects of organization and holding of the Olympic Games in Russia
Since the XXII Winter Olympics and the XI Paralympics will be held in Sochi in 2014, the issue of their legal governance is quite topical for the Russian Federation.
The main legal base for the future Games consists of: the Federal Law No. 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation” dated 04.12.2007, the Federal Law No. 310-FZ “On organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Games and XI Paralympic Games of 2014 in the city of Sochi, on development of the mountain resort of the city of Sochi and on introducing amendments to a number of legal acts of the Russian Federation” dated 01.12.2007, the Federal Law No. 238-FZ “On State Corporation for construction of Olympic objects and on development of the mountain resort of the city of Sochi” dated 30.10.2007.
Mikhail Prokopets, head of the Sports Law Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", in his article “Legal aspects of organization and holding of the Olympic Games in the Russian Federation” (International Sports Law Journal, 2012, No. 1-2) answered the acute questions of the powers of the Olympic Committee of Russia, on limitations of “ambush marketing”, on protection of the Olympic symbols etc.
For example, in order to curtail the opportunities for “ambush marketing”, a new term “marketing partners of the International Olympic Committee” was introduced into the Russian law. The term is applied to all Russian and foreign companies who are sponsors, suppliers, licensees of the International Olympic Committee in connection with the organization and holding of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014, and also the official broadcasters. Certain tax benefits are granted to such partners.
Besides citing the provisions of the law on protection of the Olympic symbols, an interesting court practice is given: the “1980 Olympic Bear case”, the “Olympic champagne” case etc.
In the end of the publication an analysis by the author is given, which leads to a conclusion that the adoption of the legal acts in connection with the holding of the Olympics is doubtlessly favourable to the development of the sports law as a whole.
The publication is available at the printed version of the International Sports Law Journal, 2012, No. 1-2.