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Personal data processing: liberalization of regulation

An article by Evgeny Zhilin, Associate Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", and Vasiliy Raudin, Lawyer at the Firm, has been published in the “Korporativny yurist (Corporate Lawyer)” magazine (issue № 9, September 2011). The article is dedicated to the legal consequences of entry into force (in late July of 2011) of the new edition of the Federal Law “On personal data” № 152-FZ dated 27.07.2006.

The future of auctions in Russia. Part one: the French experience

An international round table “The future of auctions in Russia. Part one: the French experience” was held at the “Gostiny Dvor” on September 26, 2011.

Arbitration is becoming an option: development of extrajudicial procedures of resolving disputes is advancing in Russia

An article by advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Associate Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", has been published in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (“Yuridicheskaya Nedelya”, 29.09.2011, № 218 (5594).

Presentation of the new magazine – “Legal Success”

Presentation of the new juridical business-themed magazine “Legal Success” was held on September 21 in the “Moskvich” restaurant.

X5 Retail is a fair competitor: proven by the Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation

Lawyers at the Law Firm "YUST", advocate Arthur Rokhlin and Radmila Nikitina, helped “Agrotorg” LLC (the holding X5 Retail) to contest the decision and instruction of the Republic of Tatarstan Department of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Lawyers at the Law Firm “YUST” have successfully represented the Russian Football Premier League in a dispute with Rosgosstrakh OJSC

Lawyers at the Law Firm “YUST” have successfully represented the Non-Commercial Partnership “Russian Football Premier League” (NCP RFPL) in a dispute with Rosgosstrakh OJSC.

The Law Firm "YUST" consulted RUSNANO on a transaction with Rosatom, aimed at the implementation of a joint project: commencement of production of a new class of nanostructural electrotechnical wires.

OJSC “RUSNANO” and OJSC “TVEL” (a venture of the state corporation “Rosatom”, which consolidates assets related to the fabrication of nuclear fuel) launch a joint project of fabrication of extra durable nanowires on the base of the designs of OJSC “A.A. Bochvar High-technology Research Institute of Inorganic Materials”. Expected investments are of 1,02 billion roubles. It is planned to supply this production to aerospace and ship building industry. The production may also be used for fabricating scientific equipment, electric miniengines, and for the contact network of high speed railways.

Mikhail Prokopets, Senior Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", has been included in the National Organization Committee of the 17<sup>th</sup> International Congress for Sports Law - 2011

Mikhail Prokopets, Senior Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", has been included in the National Organization Committee of the 17th International Congress for Sports Law - 2011.

Attorneys of the Law Firm "YUST" successfully represented “MMK-Trans” LLC in a dispute with a tax authority

Attorneys of the Law Firm "YUST" successfully represented “MMK-Trans” LLC in a dispute with a tax authority.

The Law Firm "YUST" took part in the drawing up of the international digest “How to Hire and Fire in 96 Jurisdictions” as an expert on the Russian and Ukrainian labour legislation issues

The Law Firm "YUST" took part in the drawing up of the international digest “How to Hire and Fire in 96 Jurisdictions” as an expert on the Russian and Ukrainian labour legislation issues.