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The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dealt with the subject of surrogate motherhood

RAPSI published an article by Advocate Tatiana Starikova, Head of Private Clients Practice, and Ekaterina Shestakova, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", on the position of the Constitutional Court regarding the delicate issue of surrogate motherhood.

The all-Russian competition of journalist papers “The Right to Know”: the term of acceptance of the publications has been extended one month

The Organizing Committee has received numerous requests by those who wish to take part in the competition and announces the one-month extension of the term of acceptance of the publications.

A patronage family managed to protect the interests of an underage disabled boy

The Court of the Moscow Region on July 17, 2012, revoked the judgment by the Noginsk City Court dated April 19, 2012, and delivered another ruling on the case, refusing to reinstate S.N.Sakharova as the parent. The interests of the patronage educator of the underage son of the Claimant were represented, among others, by advocates of the Law Firm "YUST" Olga Artiukhova and Tatiana Starikova.

Berezovsky’s loss was to be expected, no chances to revoke the ruling, experts say

Advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Associated Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave RAPSI an expert’s commentary on the judgment on the claim by Boris Berezovsky to Roman Abramovich, which was delivered last Friday (31.08.2012).

The Moscow bonus to the pension shall be earned by 10 years of living in the city

Ekaterina Shestakova, Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", gave to the Internet portal “Argumenty i Fakty” an expert’s commentary on whether or not the “residence qualification” for the Moscow pensioners infringes their rights.

Social network: employee’s freedom of speech VS employer’s image

“Economy and Life” newspaper (No. 34(9450), 2012) published an article by Tatiana Samarina, Senior Lawyer at the Law Firm "YUST", on the employers’ possibilities to protect themselves from the risk of incorrect publications of their employees in social networks.

Agreement on exercise of rights by shareholders of LLC. Problems of execution and consequences of violation

An article by Roman Cherlenyak, Lawyer of the Law Firm "YUST", on how the agreement on exercise of rights correlates with the Company Charter and what the shareholders of an LLC may stipulate in the agreement, was published in the “Arbitration Practice” magazine (No. 9, 2012).

Individual entrepreneur will receive the patent together with the registration

Advocate Alexander Bolomatov, Associated Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave “Izvestia” newspaper an expert’s commentary on the ideas, suggested by the President of the Russian Federation, regarding the reform of the accountability and registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Mini-football tournament between advocates

Mini-football tournament between advocates.

Punishment “lower than the lowest”

Igor Pastukhov, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", gave to “Argumenty I Fakty” portal an expert’s commentary on the possible motives for the court to fix a punishment below the lowest limit fixed by Article 131 (”Rape”) and Article 132 (“Violent actions of sexual nature”).