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“If someone prefers saying that sports law is not a branch of law, I will not argue with him”

Mikhail Prokopets, Head of Sports Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", gave an interview to LEXPRO portal and explained the uniqueness of sports law and its rapid development in Russia.

Bankruptcy: what the lawmaker and the higher court instances do no mention

Advocate Artem Kukin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", and Vasiliy Raudin, Lawyer of the Firm, told RAPSI of the latest business and court practice in the sphere of bankruptcy. They paid special attention to gaps and inconsistencies in the legislation faced by business in 2013.

The role of law and justice in today’s Russia. The results of the survey by the Center of Political Technologies were published

The “Zakon” magazine in its issue No. 12 of 2012 published the final analytical report on the qualitative and sociological research of the project activity of government agencies. A research group of the Center of Political Technologies Foundation has held expert’s interviews with the leading lawyers of Russia since February till May of 2012 in order to evaluate the latest initiatives of the state authorities.

Mezhprombank did not get away

Advocate Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave to the journalists of Kommersant a commentary on the issues of charging the pledged property of Mezhprombank, which undergoes a bankruptcy procedure.

Sports law – 2013: sports regulations and new practice of the RFU and CAS

The first issue of the “Sports Law” scientific magazine of 2013 was published with the support from the Law Firm "YUST" and the Statut Publishing House. Leading Russian lawyers told about what sports regulations are and who they apply to. Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, was the person of the issue: in his interview to the magazine, he explained why the Winter Olympics in Sochi are an exam for the entire country.

Early return of a subordinated deposit: court practice

Advocate Alexander Yevdokimov, Head of the Arbitration Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", gave the issue No. 1/2013 of the “Legal Work in a Credit Organization” magazine a commentary on the matters of early return of a subordinated deposit.

Firms’ licenses will be taken away, their assets will be confiscated, aliquot fines will be imposed on them

The Investigation Committee has prepared and sent to the relevant institutions the draft law on criminal liability of legal entities. Advocate Igor Pastukhov, Tax Adviser to the Law Firm "YUST", explained to Izvestia, why the FPES needs no new powers.

Sochi-2014: investment plans versus grim reality

Maxim Rovinskiy, Head of Tax and Customs Law Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", told the PRIME agency about the importance of tax benefits for the investors and sponsors of the Olympic Games of 2014.

On the reasonable scope of freedom and good faith of the business. Experts discussed the amendments to the Civil Code of Russia.

Discussions of amendments to the Civil Code remain acute in 2013. If anything, the debates about the economic constitution of the country grew hotter. And the issue of the good faith principle has gained special significance, because the first package of amendments to the respective provisions of the Civil Code enters into force on March 1th of 2013. The authors of the amendments state that we really need the legal security of the parties to those relations, and they know how to achieve it, but they do not know, what the lawmakers will finally decide. The representatives of the scientific community and of key ministries spoke on those and may other topics at the practical conference “Topical issues of amending the Civil Code of Russia”, which was organized by the Corporate Lawyers Association together with the Law Firm "YUST" and the Norton Rose international company.

The experts on the status of meteorites in Russia

RAPSI questioned lawyers whether meteorite fragments could or could not be sold. Alexander Bolomatov, Associated Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", shared his view.