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A lawsuit is a hopeless affair

The chances of winning a lawsuit against the State for those Russians, who attempt to contest in court the decision to transfer a part of pension savings from the non-governmental pension funds to the Pension Fund in 2014, are almost zero. The lawyers acknowledge that if the pension maneuver, that the Government has conceived, is actually done, this will breach at least a dozen of normative acts. Advocate Tatiana Starikova, Head of the Private Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", provided Gazeta.RU with an exclusive comment.

Insolvency (bankruptcy): application of the law in the light of the latest explanations by the HCA of Russia

A master class by Vasily Raudin, Advocate of the Law Firm "YUST", was held in the Oleg Kutafin Moscow State University of Law on October 21 of 2013.

Unification of the Supreme Court and the Higher Court of Arbitration

The traditional release of the “Legal Aspect” program was aired by the Echo Moskvy radio station on October 18 of 2013. The program is authored and co-anchored by Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST". Together with a well-known journalist, anchor Yana Rozova, and the guest Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Honorary Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, Chairman of the LDPR party, the perspectives of the future consideration of the draft law on unification of the Supreme Court and the Higher Court of Arbitration by the Parliament.

The Russian Post is expected to be privatized. The Ministry of Communications suggests turning the Federal State Unitary Venture into a joint-stock company

The Ministry of Communications submitted for public discussions the draft law on turning the Russian Post, the largest FSUV subordinate to the Ministry, into a joint-stock company. The Ministry expects to complete the task by the end of 2014, with the reservation that the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is to set the time limits for the privatization. Partner Evgeny Zhilin of the Law Firm "YUST" explained to the “Kommersant” the difficulties of implementation of the idea.

The Russian business is against the initiation of tax cases bypassing the FTS

Last week, President Vladimir Putin submitted to the State Duma for consideration a draft law, pursuant to which the materials of tax investigations cease to be the only basis for initiation of criminal cases on tax offences. The explanatory note to the draft law states that the effectiveness of solving tax offences in Russia is currently low. The Russian business community is convinced that the possibility to initiate criminal cases on tax offences according to the results of investigative measures will contribute to the deterioration of the investment climate. Dmitry Manuylov, Associate of the Tax and Customs Law Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", commented on the situation for the PRIME agency.

Average earnings during downsizing: still no uniform judicial practice

When an employee is dismissed during downsizing, the employer owes him, even though no formal relations currently exist between them. Vladimir Starovoytov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", in his articles explains the employer’s risks of ambiguity of wordings of the legal provision, on the basis of which various courts keep passing judgments that contradict each other.

Surety in bank crediting

An article by Alexey Sidorov, Associate of the Law Firm "YUST", was published in the “Banking Survey” magazine (October of 2013). The article tells about whether the legal uncertainty in the sphere of sureties was eliminated by the Resolution No. 42 dated July 12 of 2013 by the Plenum of the HCA of Russia.

Law in Russia. Berlin - 2013

The annual conference “Law in Russia”, organized by Wegweiser Media & Conferences GmbH jointly with the Embassy of the Russian Federation, was held in Berlin. Successful discussions and round tables took place during the event. Russian and German experts told about the topical conditions for entering into the Russian market and about the development of entrepreneurial activity in Russia. Partner Evgeny Zhilin and Associate Erika Kindsvater represented the Law Firm "YUST" at the event.


The traditional exchange of opinions between the representatives of business and authorities, in order to analyze the effectiveness of implementation of developer projects in Russia, occurred within the framework of the international exposition EXPO REAL 2013 at the stand of the Government of Moscow, with the support from The Moscow Times newspaper. Partner, Coordinator of international projects of the Law Firm "YUST" Evgeny Zhilin represented the Firm, which is a partner of the conference.

The modern reform of advocacy. Advocate’s monopoly. Advocate’s ethics

The fourth release of the “Legal Aspect” program was aired by the Echo Moskvy radio station on October 11 of 2013. The program is authored and co-anchored by Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST". Together with a well-known journalist, anchor Yana Rozova, and the guest Evgeny Semenyako, Honorary Lawyer of the Russian Federation, President of the federal Chamber of Advocates of Russia, laureate of F.N.Plevako Gold Award, they discussed the modern-day situation of the Russian Bar, the necessity to introduce the advocate’s monopoly and a number of nuances of the professional ethics of advocates.