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Imaginary fears and real problems

An article by Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", on the necessity to make amendments to the Advocates’ Code of Professional Ethics was published in the New Advocate’s Newspaper No. 10 (May of 2012).

The uninformed Sberbank case: a request regarding the transaction of kickback form “Alpi” was filed with the SCA

The Supreme Court of Arbitration may have to deal with the phenomena which originated from the 2008 crisis, when the banks hurried to recover debts and to take away the debtors’ property, and the other creditors were prevented from receiving anything under bankruptcy procedures. A judge of the SCA of Russia is studying the claim moved by a creditor of the “Alpi” retailer, who contests the kickback deal made by Sberbank during the 6 months period before the bankruptcy procedure initiation. Earlier the courts considered it legal, since the bank managed to show is unawareness of the retailer’s problems. Artem Kukin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave Pravo.RU an expert’s commentary in connection with this case.

Experts say that there are fewer tax disputes, but the proportion of decisions in favour of the taxpayers remains practically the same

The VI All-Russian Tax Congress, organized by Infor-Media, concluded its work on June 1st in Moscow. Representatives of the judiciary and executive powers, advocates, lawyers of the leading Russian and international law firms, in-house lawyers of large companies took part in the event. Advocate Alexey Popov, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", represented the Firm.

Russian advocacy and the challenges of the modern times

On May 31, the Day of the Russian Advocacy, the round table “Russian advocacy and the challenges of the modern times” was held at the International Multimedia Press Center of RIA Novosti. The event counted with the support of the Russian Legal and Judicial Information Agency (RAPSI).

The SCA example is being followed: the courts apply its position on the insurer’s liability for the trustee’s mistakes

Artem Kukin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave an expert’s commentary on the procedural moment related to the insurer being legally entitled and actually able to consider the demand by the bailiff to either concur that it is an insured accident or to refuse to recognize the writ of execution thus.

Spring flood bill

Authorities of the Khabarovsk territory hold Transneft and Gazprom responsible for the last year flood of Kiya and Khor rivers and demand that the companies compensate for the damages. Arthur Rokhlin, Partner of the Law Firm "YUST", gave to “Vedomosti” newspaper the expert’s commentary of the perspectives of this court case.

Are parents responsible for the disappearances of their children?

Tatiana Starikova, Head of Private Clients Practice of the Law Firm "YUST", gave to RAPSI an expert’s commentary on the problems which the parents face, when their children disappear.

Mikhail Prokopets: Zenit will be able to terminate the contract with Criscito, but not without difficulties

Mikhail Prokopets, Head of Sports Law Group of the Law Firm "YUST", told of the legal consequences of the possible involvement of Domenico Criscito, fullback of Zenit, with the scandal of “negotiated” matches in the Italian football.

Yury Pilipenko: the President of the FCA should be entitled to initiate disciplinary proceedings in any region of Russia

The round table “Professional ethics in the legal profession” was held on May 18 within the framework of the International Juridical Forum (Saint Petersburg). Yury Pilipenko, Managing Partner at the Law Firm "YUST", First Vice-President of the FCA of Russia, Doctor at Law, represented the Firm at the event.

The Right to Know: the all-Russian competition of journalist works

The Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation and the Law Firm "YUST" give start to The Right to Know: the competition of journalist works dedicated to the problems of justice and of protection of rights of organizations and people. The Guild of Court Reporters if the strategic partner of the event. Journalists, reporters and news photographers, employed in mass media or working independently, are invited to take part in the competition. Materials of all genres are accepted (except interviews).