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The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow Circuit revoked the decision of the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow and also the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court, and satisfied the claim field by LLC “Firma Iliev” calling for the acknowle

The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow Circuit revoked the decision of the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow and also the ruling of the Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court, and satisfied the claim filed by LLC “Firma Iliev” calling for the acknowledgement as invalid the resolution of the Administration Rosnedvizhimost for the City of Moscow, for the calling of the firm to book on administrative charges for unauthorized occupation of a plot of land exceeding an area of 12 hectares.

Participation of the Partners of the Law firm “YUST” in a business conference in China.

The Chairman of the Council of the Bar Association of the Moscow Region “Law firm “YUST”, Yu.S. Pilpenko, and advocate of the above-mentioned Bar Association A.V. Popov, took part in an international business conference held on 5-10 November 2006 in China (Shanghai, Beijing).

The Moscow City Court affirmed the legality of the decision of the Presnensky District Court of the City of Moscow that dismissed the claim filed by the District Environmental Prosecutor’s Office for the City of Moscow against the Administration Rostekhna

On 19 October 2006, the Moscow City Court dismissed the cassational presentation of the District Environmental Prosecutor’s Office for the City of Moscow, and affirmed the legality of the decision of the Presnensky District Court of the City of Moscow that dismissed the claim filed by the District Environmental Prosecutor’s Office that called for the acknowledgement as invalid the conclusions of the experts of the state ecological committee on the materials of the project “Construction of a business and commercial center at the address: Pl. Kievskogo vokzala, vl. 1, rayon “Dorogomilovo” of the Central Administrative District of the City of Moscow”, approved by the order of the Administration of Rostekhnadzor for the City of Moscow of 14.02.2006 № 218.

Law firm “YUST” staff participate in seminar in Eckernfцerde (Germany)

Staff of the Law firm “YUST” – Projects Manager E.R. Zhilin, advocate Anna Kotova-Smolenskaya, attorneys K.N. Bolomatova and Yu. P. Mikhailova – took part in a seminar on the subject of “A Comparison of Russian and German Corporate Law” at Eckernfцerde (Germany) on 1 – 8 October 2006.

Participation of the partners of the Law Firm “YUST” in the round table discussion “Advocates’ services in the business sphere”

On 29 September 2006, a round table discussion was held in St. Petersburg on the subject of “Advocates’ services in the business sphere.” The round table was organized by the Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation. Among the participants of the round table were the Vice-President of the RF Federal Chamber of Advocates, Senior Partner and Chairman of the Board of the Moscow Region Bar Association “Law Firm “YUST” Yury PILIPENKO and “YUST” Partner Alexei POPOV.

Law firm “YUST” staff conference in Strelna

On Saturday, 30 September 2006, the Law firm “YUST” held its regular staff conference in Strelna.

The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow Circuit upheld the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow and the resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court that satisfied the claims filed by OJSC “Gazprom” against Joint-Stock Commercial

In a decision, the resolutive part of which was declared on 22.09.2006, the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow Circuit upheld the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the City of Moscow of 07.06.2006 and the resolution of the Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court of 08.08.2006 that satisfied the claims filed by OJSC “Gazprom” against Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “Natsionalny Rezervny Bank” (LLC) for the recovery of the principal amount of a promissory note issued by the Joint-Stock Bank “Imperial.”

Law firm “YUST” corporate event

On Saturday, 9 September 2006, the Law firm “YUST” organized a corporate picnic for its staff.

The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow Circuit upheld the resolution of the Tenth Arbitration Appeals Court that annulled the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region of 18.10.2005 and satisfied the claim filed by OJSC “RMZ “Krasnopakhors

In its resolution of 04.09.2006, the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow Circuit upheld the resolution of the Tenth Arbitration Appeals Court of 13.06.2006 that annulled the ruling of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region of 18.10.2005 and satisfied the claim filed by OJSC “RMZ “Krasnopakhorsky” for the acknowledgement as invalid the public sale of a real estate object owned by it.

New staff appointments in the Law firm “YUST”

Advocate A.V. Bolomatov and lawyer E.R. Zhilin have been appointed Projects Managers of the Law firm “YUST.”