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The debts of the arrested in absentia Telman Ismailov exceed RUB17 billion

Usually, if the property failed to sell at the planned price, the mortgagee leaves it to himself, Alexander Bolomatov, a partner of the "YUST" Law Firm, explained to Vedomosti.

CAS sends signal to IOC: experts comment on the decision of the court in Lausanne

Partner of the "YUST" law firm Maxim Rovinskiy commented to the information Agency RAPSI the decision of the court of arbitration for sport (CAS) in Lausanne on complaints by Russian athletes

The houses was built in electronic voting

Partner of the "YUST"  Law Firm Alexander Bolomatov said the newspaper "Kommersant" that a virtual meeting of owners of housing in Moscow is now impossible without changes in Federal legislation.

The senior staff of YUST Law Firm has been expanded

The senior staff of YUST Law Firm has been expanded: Igor Kostennikov and Alexander Rudyakov joined the team of partners. Igor and Alexander in the new status will continue their practice in the Corporate and Commercial Group


Russians can also sue the "braking" iPhone "

The French prosecutor initiated a preliminary investigation into Apple's alleged fraud and the planned obsolescence of its products. The case was initiated by the French consumer association, which operates under the motto "Stop the planned obsolescence". Do consumers have a chance to win lawsuits against manufacturing companies? Advocate, partner of the «YUST» law firm  Alexander Bolomatov, commented the situation for IA «FederalPress».

The upper limit of some administrative penalties is to increase

Partner of the "YUST" law firm Alexander bolomatov commented on the "Novaya Advokatskaya Gazeta" draft amendments to the administrative Code, providing for a multiple increase in the amount of fines that may be imposed on the basis of regional laws on administrative offences. The draft law on which it is proposed to grant the subjects of the Russian Federation the right to increase the size of fines.

Partners of YUST Law Firm speaking about the Firm

In connection with the 25th anniversary of YUST Law Firm, the editors of the portal traced the growth path of the Firm over a quarter of a century through the prism of the stories of its partners and customers


Moscow City Government has approved the voting procedure for the demolition of houses

Alexander Bolomatov, partner of YUST Law Firm, commented to the project "Mediazona" on the proposal of Moscow City Government to vote for or against abstract "renovation"


Bankruptcy of Andrei Chernyakov, former Head of Research and Production Association “Kosmos”

Alexander Bolomatov, partner of YUST Law Firm, spoke on the air of radio station “KommersantFM”, noting that “Andrei Chernyakov is very much likely to repay the debt to the Bank of Moscow, because foreign courts are willing to recognize and enforce the decisions of the Russian courts"


Foreign advocates in Russia

Alexander Bolomatov, partner of YUST Law Firm, gave comments to the “Novaya advocatskaya gazeta” newspaper on the project of complementing the Law on Advocacy and Advocacy Activity in the part of providing legal assistance on the territory of Russia
